
Planet Type: Super Earth

Distance from Earth: 22.18 lightyears

Gravity: 1.6g

Physical characteristics: Gliese 667 Cc circles its star every 28 days, and is 0.125 AU away from its star. It fits within the habitable zone

Click the planet to view its terrain


Planet Type: Super Earth

Distance from Earth: 22.18 lightyears

Gravity: 1.6g

Physical characteristics: Gliese 667 Cc circles its star every 28 days, and is 0.125 AU away from its star. It fits within the habitable zone

Click the planet to view its terrain


Planet Type: Super Earth

Distance from Earth: 22.18 lightyears

Gravity: 1.6g

Physical characteristics: Gliese 667 Cc circles its star every 28 days, and is 0.125 AU away from its star. It fits within the habitable zone

Click the planet to view its terrain


Planet Type: Super Earth

Distance from Earth: 22.18 lightyears

Gravity: 1.6g

Physical characteristics: Gliese 667 Cc circles its star every 28 days, and is 0.125 AU away from its star. It fits within the habitable zone

Click the planet to view its terrain